Organisations and bodies we have engaged with include:
Aberdeen Entomological Club
Alistair has spoken about the protection of invertebrates in addition to participating in other Club activities.
Aberdeen University Conservation Society
Alistair delivered our lectures on 'Badger Awareness for Surveyors' and 'Badger field signs and surveys' and also a field outing to a sett.
Amphibian & Reptile Conservation
We collected water for the pond using the WC1067 technique for eDNA testing as part of the Great Crested Newt Detectives project.
Bailies of Bennachie
Alistair led an event on 'Spiders of Bennachie Forest' at the request of Bailies of Bennachie.
Lina has been a BeeWalk surveyor since 2014, organised and led field workshops, given talks and managed stalls to promote bumblebees to the public
Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management (CIEEM)
Together we proposed, developed and delivered the 'UKHab Workshop: exploring 'UKHab and its field key' event for the CIEEM Scottish Section in 2019.
Alistair spoke at the 2012 Scottish Section Conference on Green Networks and has coordinated Scottish Section evening presentation on 'Development and use of a Green Space Network Geographic Information System tool'. He has also collaborated with the University of Aberdeen Careers Service and School of Biological Sciences since 2013 for annual CIEEM / University of Aberdeen environmental careers presentations, including speaking at the first event.
Cults, Bieldside & Milltimber Community Council
We were invited to led the natural heritage walk and talk components of the Community Council's Climate Week North East 2020 event 'Walk Cults: Heritage, the River Dee and Climate Change'. The walk was cancelled due to COVID-19 so we prepared some fact sheets which can be downloaded with details of a route from the CBMCC.
Grampian Spider Group
Alistair coordinates events and the Facebook group of this regional group affiliated to the British Arachnological Society (BAS). We designed and co-authored the 'Orbweavers of the Highlands, Cairngorms and North East Scotland' leaflet on the BAS website.
National Amphibian & Reptile Recording Scheme
We were amphibian surveyors of a pond in Aberdeenshire in 2013 to 2015 and again in 2017 and 2019.
National Trust for Scotland - North East Ranger Service
We have provided our 'Badger Awareness for Surveyors' and 'Badger field signs and surveys' lectures and also a field outing to find and interpret badger field signs for three local NTS rangers.
National Water Vole Monitoring Programme
We have been the annual surveyors for one Programme site since 2015 and for a second site since 2017. We have also supported other less experienced surveyors with water vole surveys.
North East Scotland Bat Group (NESBats)
We are both active participants in this regional group (affiliated to the Bat Conservation Trust) and Lina was the Chair for 2017-18. We have led a bat talk and walks covering the species found around Inchgarth (Aberdeen) and have participated in National Bat Monitoring Programme activities with the group.
North East Scotland Biological Records Centre (NESBReC)
We are both active biological recorders and are occasionally consulted by NESBReC on the identification of certain types of invertebrates from photographs.
Scottish Badgers - Aberdeenshire Members
We formed this regional group for members of Scottish Badgers. Alistair coordinates the local events, including Scottish Badger Week events, and the Facebook page.
Scottish Wildlife Trust - Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Members
Alistair led an event on 'The Ecology of Caledonian Pinewood Spiders' for SWT Aberdeen & Aberdeen Members Group and Glen Tanar Ranger Service.
SRUC Rural Skills Club
We have led this Craibstone students group on field excursions to teach students field skills in bumblebee identification (Lina) and water vole ecology and field signs (Alistair).
*Please note that the listing of an organisation or body above is not evidence of their endorsement of Kaimhill Ecology
Cults, Bieldside & Milltimber Community Council
We were invited to led the natural heritage walk and talk components of the Community Council's Climate Week North East 2020 event 'Walk Cults: Heritage, the River Dee and Climate Change'. The walk was cancelled due to COVID-19 so we prepared some fact sheets which can be downloaded with details of a route from the CBMCC.
Grampian Spider Group
Alistair coordinates events and the Facebook group of this regional group affiliated to the British Arachnological Society (BAS). We designed and co-authored the 'Orbweavers of the Highlands, Cairngorms and North East Scotland' leaflet on the BAS website.
National Amphibian & Reptile Recording Scheme
We were amphibian surveyors of a pond in Aberdeenshire in 2013 to 2015 and again in 2017 and 2019.
National Trust for Scotland - North East Ranger Service
We have provided our 'Badger Awareness for Surveyors' and 'Badger field signs and surveys' lectures and also a field outing to find and interpret badger field signs for three local NTS rangers.
National Water Vole Monitoring Programme
We have been the annual surveyors for one Programme site since 2015 and for a second site since 2017. We have also supported other less experienced surveyors with water vole surveys.
North East Scotland Bat Group (NESBats)
We are both active participants in this regional group (affiliated to the Bat Conservation Trust) and Lina was the Chair for 2017-18. We have led a bat talk and walks covering the species found around Inchgarth (Aberdeen) and have participated in National Bat Monitoring Programme activities with the group.
North East Scotland Biological Records Centre (NESBReC)
We are both active biological recorders and are occasionally consulted by NESBReC on the identification of certain types of invertebrates from photographs.
Scottish Badgers - Aberdeenshire Members
We formed this regional group for members of Scottish Badgers. Alistair coordinates the local events, including Scottish Badger Week events, and the Facebook page.
Scottish Wildlife Trust - Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Members
Alistair led an event on 'The Ecology of Caledonian Pinewood Spiders' for SWT Aberdeen & Aberdeen Members Group and Glen Tanar Ranger Service.
SRUC Rural Skills Club
We have led this Craibstone students group on field excursions to teach students field skills in bumblebee identification (Lina) and water vole ecology and field signs (Alistair).
*Please note that the listing of an organisation or body above is not evidence of their endorsement of Kaimhill Ecology