23 April 2020

Climate Week North East 2020

We were asked by Cults, Bieldside and Milltimber Community Council to provide talks for the Community Council's 'Walk Cults: Heritage, the River Dee and Climate Change' event for the Climate Week North East 2020 programme.  Unfortunately that event was then cancelled due to COVID-19.

As a substitute we have provided the Community Council with factsheets about some of the wildlife which would have been covered on the planned route. 

These can be viewed along with a route on the Community Council's pages and downloaded to a smart phone for local users in the Cults area to enjoy during their COVID-19 exercise allowance.

3 March 2020

The value of reference photographs of field signs

It is not everyday that the Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije (the Slovenian Forestry Institute) writes to ask for permission to use your photos of water vole field signs in a monograph!

We have undertaken lots of digging around on old drives to find the high resolution originals of requested field signs from past People's Trust for Endangered Species National Water Vole Monitoring Programme field surveys.